Asakina Services

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Pastoral care, or cure of souls, refers to emotional social and spiritual support pastoral care is considered inclusive can be religious or non religious too

Spiritual care can help people cope with serious illness or situation for example, by finding meaning in their experience, solution staying connected to themselves and their community, and preparing for the end of their life Referred to as palliative.

Bereavement counselling is support from a professional counsellor who is trained and qualified to help with your feelings of grief. You can talk to them about the person who has died, about how their death is affecting you and how you are coping.

Extended support to their male fellow brothers imams or female sisters who lend a hand to patients parents or community members in moment of need
Their duties are varied and to provide emotional pastoral spiritual social care to the patients in hospital setting to the parents pupils and school senior management and the staff members at a school setting
By Combining religious knowledge with compassionate listening skills and intercultural competence,
Muslim chaplains, like chaplains of other faith traditions, improve the mission of their institutions I E hospital or school or mosque by recognizing and caring for the religious, spiritual and/or existential concerns of their people .

Is the transition from temporary life referred to as dunya to eternal life referred to as Akhira
Muslim thrive to collect deeds in life that May grant them paradise referred to as jannah

Every soul shall taste death, and only on the Day of Judgment will you be paid your full recompense …

Quran 57 ( ankabout)spider

Muslims believe that when a human being dies, their soul returns to their creator, awaiting the Day Of Judgement. In Islam, we can take solace in knowing that we will be united with those we love, and that death is just the beginning of the journey to our

Death is also seen as the gateway to the beginning of the afterlife. In Islamic belief, death is predetermined by God, and the exact time of a person’s death is known only to God.

The Quran says that life does not end with death; it is perpetual and continues beyond physical death to the hereafter.
Legacy passes on to the loved ones to continue reaping good deeds for their loved ones that have departed from this temporary life to the eternal life

World health organisation
WHO) describes palliative care as “an approach that improves the quality of life of patients and their families facing the problems associated with life-threatening illness, through the prevention and relief of suffering by means of early identification and impeccable assessment and treatment of pain, illnesses including other problems whether physical, psychosocial, and spiritual”.contrary to olden time
From islamic point of view palliative care is a preparation of journey to God referred to as Allah while saying his declaration of faith referred to as shahada

“I bear witness that there is no deity but God, and I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of God.”
The Muslims all thrive to remember it before dying
the dying person if he or she says it is considers as a good ending and acceptance from Allah the most merciful
And also a change and as transition from this unworthy life to the worthy eternal life referred to as jannah paradise

It depends on your circumstance
Generally between £30 and £60 pounds
And can be per donation for the one who can not afford

Provisions One to one to pay and
Follow up free call 

Group workshops £15 per person
Monthly Online reminders are free
Face to face £15 including snacks and teas or coffees

To donate via pay pal

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